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The Gospel ( Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine) is a splendid book - elegantly written, radiant in its prose, and a source of charm for the speculative imagination. The book celebrates Allan Kardec's discovery of the Christian message through the poetic longings and devotional confessions of those who have already crossed the great river.


A book that dares to propose answers to the existential questions that confound human beings in the course of a lifetime. The Spirits’ Book offers new ideas for the person unconvinced by the answers of formal religions or disheartened by the void of afterlife that arises from the conclusions of modern science This third edition of The Spirits’ Book is superb in quality, timelessly speaking directly to the modern heart and mind. Commitment to its French origin and stylish readability make this rendition better than any other English translation.

A discussion of the means of communicating with the invisible world, the development of Mediumship and the difficulties encountered in the practice of Spiritism.


A wealth of Spiritism resources (in Portuguese only):

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